I'll just start by admitting what you all probably already know, I loved Hebrew School.
My brother liked Hebrew School too...for the most part...I think. We each had our separate reasons for adoration though. While my brother's fondness was couched in a combination of the spoils of the bribery my mother washed over us every Sunday morning to lure us out of bed and out the door (RIP Marvelous Market french toast, because I'm pretty sure they don't make it anymore), and the actual learning about our religion part, mine was based primarily on the social scene (I know, SHOCKING).
I was smitten with the Temple Sinai social scene. In addition to being surrounded by friends I'd known for-eva, there were BOYS, occasionally the opportunity to drink wine, and what seemed like a constant parade of festivals and parties.
But I too, occasionally, listened and absorbed a lesson or two. Like the one about inviting strangers to your Passover table. Over the years I've only gotten better at that one and it's spread to just about every holiday, Jewish or not. Thanksgiving? Awesome, count me in mom, I'll need a plus 5. Christmas Eve Chinese? I met a few people volunteering at the J today... I can't help it, I just love bringing new people into every celebration. So to atone (wrong holiday) for my over-extension of invites to my mother's table this year I plan to whip up some extra goodies (plus-ones?) in addition to the haroset I was tasked with this year (oh did I mention I bought myself a 14-cup Cusinart food processor?!).
In addition to my parent's seder, I'm heading to a friends on Tuesday so I'll have plenty of opportunities to try out a few of the Passover recipes I've been eyeing.
A round up of some gems from my Pinterest Board (who am I kidding, this will mostly just be a paean to Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen)...
- I'll start with a perennial family favorite, Ann Amernick's Passover Chocolate Cake (this gem lives in Joan Nathan's cookbook The Jewish Holiday Baker which incidentally was a bat mitzvah gift from Mother Would Know)
- Coconut-Almond Macaroons from the fabulous Laura Kumin of Mother Would Know
- Chocolate Caramel Crack(ers) from Smitten Kitchen
- Chocolate Hazelnut Macaroon Torte also from Smitten Kitchen
- Haroset Balls from Susan Barocas h/t my awesome friend Ben
- Chocolate Passover cookies from Martha Stewart
Happy Passover baking y'all! Would love to hear what you're baking this weekend in the comment section below.
And remember, friends don't let friends buy Passover cake mixes.
PS: Don't forget a Pesach-friendly Bloody Mary to wash it all down!
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